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Viagra vs Levitra: Dosage, Detailed Comparison, Users’ Reviews


If you are one of males who are faced with such a delicate problem as erectile dysfunction you may need to ask a lot of questions. Your key goal is to eradicate erection problems. In order to succeed, you need to choose the right medication. Viagra and Levitra are top medications used for this purpose. What to choose? We hope the article below will help you.

Viagra Dosage

This blue tablet is known worldwide. It appeared as revolutionary treatment in 1998 and millions of gentlemen received a powerful remedy for erectile dysfunction.

viagra dosage

There are three classic doses of the “blue miracle”: 25, 50, and 100mg. The recommended initial dose of Viagra is 50mg. Depending on the efficacy and tolerability, the tablet strength can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dose is 100 mg. The pill should be administered once per 24-hour period.

Some online pharmacies offer increased dosages of sildenafil, typically 150mg and 200mg.

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Dosage of Levitra

Levitra is traditionally sold in two dosages: 10mg and 20mg. However, some pharmacies also offer a 5mg version. It may be used by males with high sensitivity to vardenafil or by those who need dosage adjustment because of administration of drugs that can dangerously interact with Levitra or due to other reasons.

Classical scheme implies the following: a patient starts with 10mg. If the effect is insufficient, he can increase it to 20mg. If the effect is too pronounced or there is a high incidence of adverse events, he should switch to 5mg (if available). The frequency of administration is no more than 1 pill per day.

Viagra and Levitra: In-Depth Comparison

levitra vs viagra

Levitra and Viagra are ED medications that work identically: they block PDE5 enzyme in penile tissues which interferes with normal erection processes. This blockage eventually leads to NO (nitric oxide) content increase and better blood flow into the penile tissues. Other distinctive features of these meds are rather technical. However, some of them may be the key driver of choosing a particular medication.  

Characteristics Viagra Levitra
Generic name Sildenadil Vardenafil
Brand names Viagra, Viagra Connect Levitra, Staxyn
Producer of genuine version Pfizer Inc. Bayer AG, GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK)
Dosage 25/50/100mg 5/10/20mg
When to take 30-60 minutes before sex 25-60 minutes
Time of action 4-6 hours 4-5 hours
Side effects Headache, stuffy/runny nose, stomach upset, dizziness, muscle aches, skin rash, face flushes, color perception alterations, etc. Headache, flushing, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, nausea, stuffy and runny nose, and some others.
Use in other areas Revatio, sildenafil-based drug, is prescribed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Used only for ED treatment
viagra levitra dosage

Viagra vs Levitra: What is Better?

Levitra has two key advantages over Viagra:

  • It doesn’t inhibit phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) to change color perception, a rare adverse event which sometimes develops with sildenafil (S.A. Dogrell, Australian University of Queensland, 2005).
  • It is more effective in males who suffer from diabetes (and concomitant ED). Many men with diabetes and ED (33%) who had not responded to Viagra treatment were successfully treated with Levitra (A. Garber, Baylor College of Medicine, 2004).

In addition, Levitra is unlikely to cause some common side effects that are peculiar to Viagra. These are muscle aches and rash.

What’s the key advantage of Viagra? It is famous by itself, as it appeared first in the line of PDE5 inhibitors. In addition, it has stood a test of time (its history of using is longer than that of Levitra), and all possible side effects have been described. Another advantage, is a longer duration of action: sildenafil acts up to 6 hours after ingestion, while vardenafil’s effect is observed 4-5 hours after administration.

Viagra and Levitra Reviews

We’ve gathered the most demonstrative reviews of Viagra and Levitra. Let’s take a look.

“Blue pill” reviews:

  • One 37 yo male with ED problem first used 25 mg but it didn’t work for him. Then he tried 100 and succeeded with that.
  • A patient (48 years old) suffered from erectile disorder caused by some psychological problems. He used Viagra which granted intense erections when needed. The male had headaches but Ibuprofen helped him.
  • “I’m 59 and my erection lasted a few hours”. The patient also noted that his wife had characterized him as a 18-year-old boy.

Levitra reviews:

  • A 64-year-old man had been taking sildenafil for males and received free samples of Levitra. He switched and received excellent prolonged effect.
  • A patient tried all three medications (C, V, and L), however, Levitra brought the best result for him. It also tends to work with maximum effect several hours after taking.
  • A male aged 39 started to experience problems in bed and had depression. His friend happened to be a doctor who advised him Levitra in a 20 mg dosage. The male had a long sex and minor side effects (flushing and nasal congestion).

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Picture of Amy Niles
Amy Niles
Amy Niles serves as Chair of Medical Relations/Advocacy for Together Rx Access, LLC. The Together ® Rx Access Card is a FREE prescription savings card for eligible individuals and families who lack prescription drug coverage and are not eligible for Medicare.

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